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Ingenious Minds

Premieres February 17 at 8pm (ET/PT)

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Series Premiere Thursday, February 17 th  at 10:00PM (ET/PT)

INGENIOUS MINDS profiles six individuals whose severe neurological disorders (or traumatic brain injuries) have turned them into prodigies. From a renowned painter, to a pinball wizard, and even one of Time Magazine’s most influential people, the individuals featured in this six episode series have a gift that is both a blessing and a curse. Often tormented by their own genius, follow each story as leading neurological researchers offer insight into the subject’s unique brain functions  and hope for a cure.

Episode Guide (6 x 30)
Series Premiere: Thursday, February 17, at 10:00 PM (ET/PT)
New Episodes Premiere Thursdays at 10:00 & 10:30 PM (ET/PT)

Premieres Thursday, February 17, at 10:00 PM (ET/PT)
George Widener is a calendar calculating savant with Asperger’s Syndrome. While George's talent has lead him to produce beautiful works of mathematical art and recall almost every date in history, the ongoing calculations in his head are a constant barrier to a normal life.  Researchers are now trying to figure out if there is a way to control the overwhelming need for George to always have numbers on his mind.

Premieres Thursday, February 17, at 10:30 PM (ET/PT)
Derek Amato’s traumatic brain injury left him with the amazing ability to play piano, an instrument he had never played before. He makes a living playing professionally, but in his head, the music never stops. Will doctors at the renowned Mayo Clinic find a way to stop Derek’s gift from also being a lifelong curse?
Premieres Thursday, February 24, at 10:00 PM (ET/PT)
Robert Gagno’s  autism makes him a pinball wizard. His brain is simply hard-wired to  comprehend the physics that contribute to pinball success. Researchers will now attempt to understand how Robert’s mind is able to conquer the science of this intricate arcade game through neurological testing at the Mayo Clinic.

Premieres Thursday, February 24, at 10:30 PM (ET/PT)
John Robison  is an accomplished mechanical engineer with Asberger’s Syndrome. He excels intellectually, but his disorder prevents him from feeling empathy and relating to others. Will cutting-edge Harvard research help John overcome his social  complications?

Premieres Thursday, March 3, at 10:00 PM (ET/PT)
Alonzo Clemons  can not read, write or drive a car. However, he can visualize an animal and create an incredibly detailed sculpture from clay as a result of an early childhood traumatic brain injury. Mayo Clinic researches Alonzo to see how brain damage can sometimes improve brain function.

Premieres Thursday, March 3, at 10:30 PM (ET/PT)
In 2010, Time Magazine named Temple Grandin one of the 100 most influential people. Temple channels her autism into studying animal science and has transformed the 70 billion dollar beef industry. Temple also advocates for autism studies and volunteering for cutting-edge research in the hopes of changing people’s impressions of the disorder. Learn how the story that has inspired millions - and a Golden-Globe winning © movie – is the true life account of veiled genius.