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Space Launch Live: NASA’s One-Year in Space to Take Place

Live on Friday, March 27

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Space Launch Live:  NASA’s One-Year in Space to Take Place on Friday, March 27
 launches to give space fans the ultimate 360 degree experience




@ScienceChannel #SCISpaceLive




March 24, 2015- Join Science Channel for the LIVE broadcast via NASA TV as NASA astronaut Scott Kelly and crew launch on one year in space at the International Space Station (ISS). Tune into the historic spacecraft launch scheduled for this Friday, March 27 at 3:35PM ET from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan only on Science Channel




Kelly and Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko are scheduled to spend one full year living and working aboard the ISS and will launch on this important mission with cosmonaut Gennady Padalka. The trio will ride to space in a Soyuz spacecraft, which will rendezvous with the space station and dock after four orbits of Earth.




The mission’s goal is to understand how the human body reacts and adapts to the harsh environment of space. Data from the expedition will be used to determine whether there are ways to further reduce the risks on future long-duration missions to an asteroid and eventually Mars.


The crew will support several hundred experiments in biology, biotechnology, physical science and Earth science – research that will impact life on Earth.




A comprehensive companion digital experience will be hosted on, designed to bring Science Channel’s fans deeper into the kind space coverage they’ve shown an affinity for. Users will be able to switch between three live NASA TV cameras offering unique perspectives of the event (one even inside the space capsule), browse and engage in social feeds where experts and scientists will provide live commentary, read about the mission through a series of InSCIder blogs, and watch a Google Hangout with NASA astronaut Leland Melvin.






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For press inquiries please contact:


Joanne Schioppi / 212-548-5084 /





