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Alaska Cold Case

When the Alaska Bureau of Investigation’s Cold Case Unit was disbanded, dozens of cases seemed destined to remain forever unsolved. But one State Trooper vowed to keep on digging. ALASKA COLD CASE follows the efforts of Lt. Lantz Dahlke as he scours the ice-kissed tundra of The Last Frontier in search of justice. The season opens with a trip to the remote sea-hugging town of Nome, as he investigates whether the disappearances of two men over a decade apart might in some way be connected, and if any of its barely three thousand storm-hardened residents might be able to provide the answers. Giving all-too-literal meaning to the term ‘Cold Case’, the series delves into the troubling underbelly of this stunning, oft-frozen land, highlighting the potential for darkness that thrives alongside its spectral beauty - and showcasing the indomitable will of a true Alaskan hero determined to uncover its many secrets. And with more missing people per capita here than any other state, Dahlke will not be short of work.