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Yukon Men 6

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A town of just 200 residents, with a lone track in and out, Tanana, Alaska is about as far off the map as one can possibly get. A different kind of reality show, YUKON MEN follows the day-to-day trials and tribulations of those who live there. With winters dropping to sixty below, and hypothermia and starvation an ever-present danger, the locals face a fight not simply for their way of life, but for their lives themselves. Now in its sixth season, the show documents brand new challenges for a tight-knit community surviving only at the mercy of Mother Nature. After the forest fires that plagued the area, hunting has become increasingly scarce, and this season sees outsiders descend upon their lands, trespassing on sacred hunting grounds, and rivaling the locals for moose and game. With more unfamiliar faces arriving, and resources at an all-time low, the men and women of Tanana fight back as others scrap for the food upon their table.