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Men in White

Premieres Feb 3 at 3pm

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- Inventive trio shows that science isn't just all about text books and test tubes -

Struggling to get out of bed? Need a ghost or two in your home? Look no further as the MEN IN WHITE turn science into solutions for your problems - however bizarre they may be! Discovery Science's new series MEN IN WHITE follows three innovative scientists who take on fascinating pleas for help from real people who are at their absolute wits' end, providing them with solutions and respite from the problems that plague them.

Meet Dr Basil Singer - extreme sport adrenaline junkie and Quantum Chaos specialist; Jem Stansfield - inventor and special effects technician; and Dr Adam Rutherford - genetics genius. These maverick PhD students, also known as the MEN IN WHITE, are on a mission to solve some of life's most persistent irritations. With their witty banter and humourous good-natured sparring, the MEN IN WHITE tackle challenges by propelling the power of science in a fun, playful, but practical manner.

As soon as they receive a SOS plea, Basil, Jem and Adam get to work drawing up potential inventions and gadgets, and bouncing ideas off each other. Pushing the boundaries of innovation, ingenuity, and creativity, their solutions will definitely surprise you! From tackling a sloppy flatmates to filling in for a band to creating ghosts to "haunt" a house, nothing is too whacky or inconceivable for the MEN IN WHITE.

MEN IN WHITE episode descriptions:

Haunted House
Cornelia has decided to open up her home to the public. It is very grand inside and she knows that if she had a ghost or two, it would bump up their business no end. By exploring the science of fear, the boys play on human sensitivities to fool visitors. Can the MEN IN WHITE create a believable ghost to scare the guests?

Rock Lab
Rob the rocker is after a brand new sound and band! This is the toughest challenge yet for the MEN IN WHITE - especially for tone-deaf Jem. With only one week from receiving Rob's plea to gig night, they have to design, build and rehearse brand new instruments. Basil gets behind the drums, with Adam on lead and Jem just about holds it together on bass, spinning his wheels of steel.

Extreme Sport
Extreme sport enthusiast Steve has pretty much done it all - much like Basil himself. He needs a new thrill and wants the MEN IN WHITE to come up with a new extreme activity for him to try. The MEN IN WHITE look into a whole load of existing extreme sports and crank up the adrenaline level to a new high.

Mucky Flatmates
Ewan and Sam are fed up with constantly having to clear up after their other four flatmates. They call in the MEN IN WHITE, hopeful that they will invent a self-cleaning house or drop off a few robots. Can the MEN IN WHITE come up with a contraption or two that will make clearing up cool (and fun) for the lads?

Unclampable Car
The MEN IN WHITE must make a near impossible choice: estate agents or traffic wardens. After hearing the plight of Kensington and Chelsea estate agents, Charles and Harry, an impressive bit of engineering wizardry is devised. The MEN IN WHITE gain inspiration from the human evolution and brew up a truly honking repellent.

Sleepy Head
Ged is a really deep sleeper and just cannot get himself out of bed in the mornings. He is, unsurprisingly, a student. Ged is missing exams as well as generally missing out on life and needs to get to the bottom of this serious problem. Can the MEN IN WHITE get this sleepyhead to stay awake long enough to try out their solutions?