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Alaska: The Last Frontier 3

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Re-enter the lives of those hard-living Kilchers on their isolated community outside Homer, Alaska, where they have a severe case of cabin fever after 8 months of winter. Eivin and Atz Lee get caught overnight in the backcountry hunting an Alaskan delicacy, Otto uses ingenuity to get an orphan calf to connect with an unwilling mother and there's much to do with poo. Then, before the spring thaw floods the area, Atz Sr and his 3 sons build a bridge across a river using chainsaws and fallen logs. Otto and Eivin create two amphibious crafts from their ATVs. Meanwhile, Atz Lee and Jane build a new smokehouse. Atz and family will head out on a black bear hunt, Otto gives CPR to two prematurely born calves and Eve plants the family garden while Eivin takes on her arch nemesis.