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Skywire Live With Nik Wallenda

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It will be one of the most daring and captivating live events in history - Nik Wallenda, known as "The King of the High Wire," will traverse the majestic Grand Canyon, without using a harness. Discovery Channel will capture the nail-biting, play-by-play live event to air in nearly 200 countries around the world on Sunday, June 23. Wallenda will tightrope walk higher than he's ever attempted before at 1,500 feet above the Little Colorado River, a height greater than the Empire State Building. In 2012, Wallenda became the first person to tightrope walk directly over Niagara Falls from the U.S. to Canada at a height of 200 feet. The feat will honor his great-grandfather, the legendary Karl Wallenda, who died after falling from a tightrope in Puerto Rico in 1978. The tightrope crossing will take place in a remote section of the canyon operated by the Navajo Nation Parks and Recreation.