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Wheeler Dealers 9b

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Wheeler Dealers is a motoring restoration show with challenge at its heart. Veteran car dealer Mike Brewer and ace mechanic Edd China have a mission to locate and then restore iconic cars that they later sell on for a profit. Mike has the tough job of finding motors that have money-making potential. He then hands them over to Edd who will tackle everything from bare metal re-sprays to full engine transplants to bring them back to their former glory.There’ll be plenty of tension as Edd faces a broad range of jobs. From the massive oily challenge of rebuilding a rear axle to full interior re-trims, there will be plenty to keep the audience entertained and inspired.  When the jobs are complete, the duo will take the car on an exciting test drive before Mike attempts to sell the car on for a profit. Along the way there’ll be top tips for buying and selling, advice on where to find the best deals on parts, trips to see specialist repair processes, plus loads of in-depth mechanical know how.