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"I killed a man and two women". Iteka Awa, naked, brandishes his Huaroani tribal spears as he flails his recent killing. The victims are the Taromanane, a tribe that lives hidden in Yasuni, in the deep Ecuadorian Amazon, a territory that is both one of the largest biosphere reserves in the world and a large land full of oil. After the death of two members of the Huaorani tribe at the hands of the Taromenane, an uncontacted tribe whose existence is still doubted by many, the Huaorani retaliated causing genocide and kidnapping two Taromenane girls. These girls are now the only living proof of the existence of this tribe, which could change plans expansion of oil and logging companies in the area since the legal consequences would be unprecedented. Will the fragile future of the native tribes stand in the way of the vast sums of money that could be gained by the Ecuadorian government?