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You Have Been Warned 2

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‘You Have Been Warned' returns for a brand new series, a fast-paced countdown of the world's top 20 You Tube homemade science stunts and experiments. Each episode finds the cleverest, funniest, most daring, outrageous or just downright bizarre clips - and uses a top cast of the world's best science experts to unpack and explain them for us. With the help of amazing storytelling graphics, they will explain the what, how and why of the biology, physics and chemistry that made these clips possible. Across the series we meet the man who can jump out of a helicopter without using a parachute and The New Zealander who gets closer to volcanoes than anyone else. From self-experimenting human guinea pigs, nature obsessed natural born thrillers and the danger junkies of epic stunts each episode will show you the definitive 20 to 1.