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Yukon Men 2B

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‘Yukon Men' returns for a second series and life hasn't got any easier for the residents of the remote community of Tanana, Alaska. Just sixty miles from the Arctic Circle, this frozen village is part of an unknown America where men hunt and trap to survive, and where the howling wolves are a constant reminder of how isolated its 200 citizens really are. Life is harsh: hypothermia and starvation are a constant menace, and it is an epic struggle to find the meat and fur vital to the town's survival. Each changing season brings new struggles, new threats and new dangers, yet, against the odds, the men overcome daily obstacles by sticking together. In this new series, reserves are dwindling fast and the villagers must furiously re-stock their supply. Also after the worst storm in ten years, Tanana residents emerge to see what's left of their village. Follow this unusual band of extraordinary characters as they risk their lives to feed their families and protect their traditions.