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Spring Restore Season

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Discovery Travel and Living will host a month of programmes devoted to all kinds of building and restoration projects as part of the ‘Spring Restore' season. From property development to boats, this spectacular line-up features the fascinating ‘Getting Afloat' series which follows shipwright Nick Gates as he demystifies the world of boating, in his step-by-step guide. Join Nick as he offers some hands-on instruction on maintenance and renovation in the boat yard and proves that it is possible to get out on the water cheaply; ‘Houseboat' follows Greg and Mandy Kendell who are transforming a 1950's barge on the River Thames into their new, dream home; Meanwhile, in ‘Sun Sea & Scaffolding' for many people considering moving abroad it is becoming an increasingly attractive and financially-sensible option. We follow Ben and Hannah Huggins, who will meet a number of families who have recently left England to live in a warmer climate, as they consider a new life abroad in the sun.