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Dinosaur Planet

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Narrated by Hollywood actor Christian Slater, this four part animation special, blends cinematic storytelling with the latest paleontological evidence, taking viewers on a colourful, dramatic journey into the life of dinosaurs. Using the latest CGI, Dinosaur Planet follows the adventures of dinosaur characters from a different continent in the prehistoric world. Each episode reveals an up-close and vivid view of dinosaur life, their environments and the struggles they would have faced during the end of the Cretaceous period, between 65 and 85 million years ago. Highlights include; In Asia, a lone female Velociraptor called White Tip that searches for a new pack in the brutal landscape of the Gobi Desert. In South America, follow the life of a female long-necked Saltasaur, Alpha, who must grow up quickly if she is to survive long enough to reproduce. And in Europe, Pod, a young adult Pyroraptor, is swept away by a tidal wave to an island of dwarf dinosaurs.