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Falklands Hero: Bravo November

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Mike Brewer presents a two-part documentary, Falklands Hero: Bravo November that offers an insight into the Chinook helicopter, one of the RAF's most revered aircrafts. Starting with the story of one particular machine, Bravo November, it also explores the wider role of the Chinook in modern day British military service. Mike revisits some of the incredible stories of the crew involved with Bravo November, including former pilot John Kennedy, who recounts his mission during the Falklands conflict; and Andy Lawless who gives his account of Bravo November's role in the retaking of the Falklands. Their accounts give incredible depth to the epic Bravo November story which has seen it survive all the major conflicts of the last 30 years. The series also encompasses the wider story of the Chinook helicopter. Working with RAF pilots, Mike investigates the role of the Chinook in modern warfare and explores how it has remained at the forefront of battle.