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Living with the Kombai Tribe

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Imagine abandoning all of your luxuries - or some would say "necessities" - of your everyday life: clothing, electricity, running water, supermarkets, the list is endless. Well that's exactly what extreme travellers Mark Anstice and Olly Steeds have done, and their fascinating exploits are featured in this captivating six-part series ‘Living with the Kombai tribe'. These two adventurers embark on this unique expedition into one of the most remote rainforests on Earth, their goal is to live with the remarkable Kombai tribe, a tribe whose way of life has changed little since the Stone Age. As Mark and Olly immerse themselves in a totally different world, they attempt to survive exactly like the Kombai do. It's a hard-core challenge, not only must they learn how to eat giant maggots and hunt wild boar, they must also build their own house, learn a new language and understand religious tribal rituals. Follow the dramatic highs and lows of the pair's quest in ‘Living with the Kombai Tribe'.