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Ocean Voyagers

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An ancient species and one of the largest animals ever to live on planet earth, Humpback Whales have been travelling, and singing their mesmerizing songs, throughout the world's oceans for millions of years. Like the vast oceans in which they live, surprisingly little is known about the lives of these awesome beasts. Telling the story of the relationship between a mother whale, Mara, and her baby, Kell, 'Ocean Voyagers' provides a startlingly intimate portrait of Humpback life. Joining this small family in the warm tropical seas of the South Pacific when Kell is just a day old, this stunning documentary follows him through the first few months of his life, as his mother prepares him for his first great voyage: a 7,000 mile journey to the home feeding grounds in Antarctica. Witness the dangers that Kell faces from both animal predators and humans as he grows, and learn about the unique culture and behaviours of one of the planet's oldest and most fascinating creatures.