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South Africa Walks

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British presenter Julia Bradbury embarks on a truly grand adventure in South Africa, taking her on four very different walks that will explore the place that claims to be ‘a world in one country'. Julia is a regular visitor to the ‘Rainbow Nation' but this is her chance to go far beyond the normal tourist destinations, to a variety of remote locations, and offer a fresh and personal perspective on a friendly and fascinating country that is so often misunderstood. The series will follow Julia on her first walk along the southernmost coastline of Africa and home to the sun-drenched Garden Route. See her move to the interior of the country for her second walk into the grandest mountain range in Southern Africa - The Drakensberg. Julia will then head off on foot through The Kruger national park, one of the world's most famous game reserves; and finally, follow her to The Green Kalahari, in South Africa's remote North West corner.