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War Detectives

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‘The War Detectives’ tells of the most brutal crimes committed by man and of the intrepid teams of policemen, doctors, lawyers, scientists and investigators who track down the perpetrators. Each episode in the four-part series concentrates on one seminal investigation: from an archive-based description of the crime, through to the myriad of experts used to gather the evidence and culminating in the eventual prosecution of the indicted war criminal.

The featured investigations are drawn from the case files of the major war crimes tribunals and commissions of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries; the Nuremberg Trials, the Tokyo Trials, the International War Crimes Tribunal in Arusha (investigating war crimes in Rwanda) and the International War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague (investigating war crimes in former Yugoslavia). The series follows the fight for international justice and the disturbing legacy of the criminals brought to account.