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Driving Me Crazy

Premieres Thursday 17th May, 10.00pm

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There are good drivers, there are bad drivers and then... there are these drivers! For most of us, driving is an everyday part of life, but for some, it is a nightmare. Each week in Discovery Real Time's heart-warming and hysterical new series, Driving Me Crazy, two hopeless learners will be taught to drive by a close friend or member of the family who is desperate to get them off their hands and onto the road. But, there is a catch - they will be doing this in a 2.5 tonne, 1 foot long, classic camper van. Not only will they be learning in it, they will be living in it, on a four day, 150 mile road trip across Britain before taking the final driving challenge, their driving test. There will be breakdowns, meltdowns, road rage and reconciliation. Will their relationships go from 0-60 or will it just drive them crazy?   

First up to take the challenge are 33-year-old housewife Margie Sealeaf who relies on best mate 35-year-old Charlotte Traynor for lifts most days of the week.  Hairdresser Charlotte needs to get her life back by teaching Margie to drive but she'll have to rebuild Margie's confidence on the road after having already failed one driving test.  Also, 23-year-old pharmacy assistant Emma Wicks is relying on live-in boyfriend 25-year-old Matt Semple to teach her to drive, but can she keep her feisty temperament in check when it's her partner who's instructor? Can mild mannered fridge engineer Matt rise to the challenge and teach Emma the rules of the road?