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Dating Naked

Premieres October 7, 10pm

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These days we’re supposed to be more “connected” than ever, but, for some singletons, finding a romantic connection can be difficult. Online dates, blind dates, and the latest apps all make it hard to see people for who they really are.
A new social experiment provides daters with a radical dating experience where before they bare their souls they bare everything else first. Each week on a primitive island resort, far from the masks of modern society, daters will go on exotic dates and be naked every step of the way.
We will follow along as two daters each go on naked dates, including their first date with each other. At the end of this experience they’ll choose which of their naked dates they would like to continue dating back home. Clothing will, of course, be optional.
Naked daters will bare their soul and a whole lot more in this groundbreaking dating experiment.