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Katie Hopkins: Fat Story 1 Year On

Premieres Saturday 2nd January, 9pm

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The UK's most polarising personality continues her crusade against Britain’s obesity crisis in Katie Hopkins: Fat Story 1 Year On.

Katie Hopkins has been outspoken on obesity, saying that she would not employ someone who is overweight, and that fat people need to “Eat less and move more and stop blaming everyone else for what they can control”.  Last year, Katie gained and then lost over three stone in My Fat Story, TLC’s highest rating show, in an attempt to encourage the nation to lose weight by proving her theory that it is easy.  A year on, Katie picks up the gauntlet once more, concerned that being overweight is becoming more acceptable and the new normal.

This follow up documentary sees Katie investigate the worrying waistline of bulging Britain - and whether things have become even worst since her punishing experiment.  The motor mouth journalist also meets the success stories - people inspired to join her online 'Fat Club' to lose the love-handles and transform their lives – and hears their amazing stories of weight loss with striking before and after pictures.  What started as a core group of five a year ago has now become a network of 7,000, all following Katie’s “Eat Less, Move More” mantra.

It's estimated that by 2025 three quarters of UK adults will be overweight. So what better way to kick off 2016 than with a motivational 'kick up the arse' about weight loss?