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My Strange Addiction 6

Premieres Thursdays from 26th November, 10pm

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"It's nasty, it's disgusting, but she loves it and I love her, so therefore I just have to deal with it.” Ricky, whose fiancé Evelyn drinks 20 cans of air freshener a week. Which is the same amount an average hotel uses.

Welcome of the world of strange pleasures, weird obsessions and fascinating real life tales of people with extraordinary passions.

Like Kevin, from Chicago who is addicted to wearing orthopaedic casts - "My dream date is to take a girl out in a full cast"; Linda, a 56-year-old woman who's happily married to Bruce, a 70-foot carnival ride; and a 29-year-old woman from London who has eaten about half a ton of bricks in the past twelve years.

According to executive producer, Melissa Cutlip, many of the addicts find appearing on the show therapeutic. “They aren’t ashamed anymore, they feel like they’ve gotten something off their chest.” Off their chests and straight into our viewers’ living rooms.