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Outrageous Births

Premieres Mondays from 18th May, 9.00pm

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Brand new eight-part series, Outrageous Births, takes a look into some of America's most unusual, unplanned and extraordinary childbirth stories. In the first episode, a pregnant woman is caught in the middle of Hurricane Sandy when early labour puts her in the eye of the storm. Then, when a mother's speedy delivery lands them in a shopping centre car park, police officers mistake the birth for an assault and nearly shoot her husband as a criminal. Plus a resolute Army wife is determined to deliver the surviving twin after one has died In Utero, with her husband supports her on Skype from the other side of the world. Later in the series, a baby is born twice after being removed from the womb for a life-saving surgery only to be put back inside to be born 16 weeks later, plus a poisonous copperhead snake bites a pregnant woman and the doctors are faced with an impossible choice - the anti-venom that will save her could kill her unborn child.