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Return To Amish S3

Premieres Sundays from 31st July, 10pm

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This season on Return to Amish faith will be shaken and friendships will be tested, but will the family fall apart? 

The members of the original Breaking Amish cast return (pictured), as the ex-Amish rebels continue to navigate life balancing their traditional values and community with 'new world' freedoms.

With the whole gang reunited in New York City, Mary is worried that her youngest daughter, Esther, will be so tempted by the English ways that she will leave the Amish. Esther's presence also brings to the surface some long-standing issues between her and Rebecca that escalate into an epic argument. 

Meanwhile, Abe and Rebecca's relationship is at a crossroads - particularly when his required dental work comes with a $21,000 price tag, Sabrina fights for custody of her daughter, and Kate struggles to juggle the group of unexpected houseguests with her schoolwork and internship.

Frustrated with all of the tension and fighting between everyone, Mary decides to make an Amish meal and bring everyone together to talk and resolve issues.

After all, says Mary, "If you don't have your family, you have nothing."