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Kill It, Skin It, Wear It

Premieres October 30 at 9:00PM (ET/PT)

Journey through the fur industry to explore the recent revival of one of fashions most popular - and controversial - trends.  The anti-fur lobby of the 1980s has ended, and fur is back on catwalks, in magazines and on Main Street.  Join Chef Merrilees Parker as she uncovers the truth behind this astonishing fashion trend.  Season 2 of Reel Impact on Planet Green explores this issue with the U.S. television premiere of KILL IT, SKIN IT, WEAR IT on Saturday, October 30, at 10:00 PM (ET/PT). 

This thought-provoking documentary unveils the recent surge in popularity for fur and attempts to uncover the truth behind the 'humane' killing of animals for trade.  BBC correspondent Merrilees Parker visits various fur farms, hunting grounds and fashion designers to learn about the demand for this scandalous product.  Director Victoria Silver, urges viewers to discover if it's possible to source ethical fur (as we source ethical food) - and if it is ever really possible to wear fur without a guilty conscience.