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TLC Explores Food Obsession with New Series FREAKY EATERS

TLC Explores Food Obsession with New Series FREAKY EATERS

August 23, 2010

Contact - Hillary Povar
Senior Publicist

TLC Explores Food Obsession with New Series FREAKY EATERS
Premieres Sunday, September 5th at 10PM on TLC

On Sunday, September 5, TLC invites viewers to learn about the struggles of an unusual and often overlooked segment of the population - those with a bizarre compulsion towards a particular food. From an addiction to cheeseburgers to an obsession with sugar - these freaky eating habits are explored in this fascinating and eye-opening series.

Each episode tells the story of one Freaky Eater as he or she is forced to confront the painful truth behind the food obsession and come face to face with the destructive side effects. Two experts, Psychotherapist Dr. Mike Dow and Nutrition Specialist J.J. Virgin, will stage a food intervention in a bid to help this individual overcome the culinary compulsion.