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Compelling new series features ex-FLDS member and social activist Flora Jessop

December 10, 2013

Contact - Joanna Brahim
Senior Director of Publicity

New York, NY - As previously announced, TLC has tapped into the FLDS community with two new series that takes viewers on a remarkable exploration of faith, fear, and strength, while providing very different perspectives: from insiders as they leave the faith, and from the outsider as they help people break away. One of the series, ESCAPING THE PROPHET, documents the efforts of former FLDS member Flora Jessop as she helps families flee the community. The groundbreaking six-episode run premieres on Tuesday, January 7 at 10/9c.

ESCAPING THE PROPHET follows Flora Jessop on her mission to take down one of the most reportedly dangerous polygamist cults in America. Flora, a social activist, an advocate for abused children, and the author of the 2009 book Church of Lies, had endured extreme physical, mental, and sexual abuse during her life in the church, until she escaped at the age of 16. Now, she works closely with law enforcement, the Attorney General of Arizona, and a network of inside informants to help rescue runaways and extract victims within the community, as well as help empower families who chose to stay and fight. Using her difficult memories and her passion to help others, she works to deliver justice to the very people that she feels wronged her.

The FLDS religion remains one of the most secretive communities in America, a world of unquestioned authority, arranged marriage, and little contact to the outside world. The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints continues to be led by its president - and self-described prophet - Warren Jeffs, despite his 2011 conviction on two felony counts of child sexual assault.

In each hour-long episode, Flora, along with partner Brandon (a former member of the FLDS and one of Warren Jeffs' nephews) offer aid and attempt to extract a number of families from the FLDS community, including:

•Lenora's daughters want to live with their father, and her son is defiant and controls the home. She is hoping that with Flora's help, she'll finally be able to leave the cult with her children. •A devout FLDS member, Ruth, has been ostracized by the community, has received death threats, and could be in real danger within the community. •After a man named Edwin expresses he needs help to a local church pastor, Flora and Brandon embark on a hunt to find him and help him escape. •Robert, who is already free from the FLDS, suspects that his two children are being abused in his ex-wife's home and calls on Flora and Brandon to help him extract his children from the community. •17-year-old Taylor, who is in trouble and on the verge of being kicked out by his parents, is conflicted about leaving his family and the church. •Flora's sister Ruby and her six children are having problems adjusting to their new life outside the cult and are at risk of getting sucked back in by the church.

ESCAPING THE PROPHET is produced by Screaming Flea Productions for TLC.