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The new lineup kicks off November 6th with LONG LOST FAMILY at 8/7c, LONG ISLAND MEDIUM at 9/8c and new series THE HEALER at 10/9c

October 2, 2017

Contact - Nikki Lichterman
Vice President, Publicity
Contact - Raul Rojas
Manager, Publicity
Contact - Danielle Matlin
Senior Publicist

TLC announced today their upcoming new Monday night line-up for Fall 2017 with heartfelt series LONG LOST FAMILY, everyone’s favorite medium on LONG ISLAND MEDIUM and the new show you’ll have to see to believe, THE HEALER. All three programs evoke emotional journeys that have led to lifelong questions being answered, closure and the alleviation of pain.

Here’s what’s coming up on all three series:


LONG LOST FAMILY shares the highly emotional and touching stories of people who have suffered a lifetime of separation and are yearning to be reunited with family members, whether it’s children, parents, siblings, or those they never expected.   Either because of circumstance or fate, they’ve barely – if ever – met. In the second part of its sophomore season the series follows more incredible stories, including a woman whose mother dropped her off in front of a house at just four years-old; a pair of siblings seeking their sperm donor father; a gay man who finds out for the first time that he is a father at 49 years old and a woman who may never learn of her real birthday because she was just a baby when she was left in a basket on an Amish family’s doorstep. LONG LOST FAMILY is produced by Shed Media (a division of Warner Bros. Unscripted and Alternative Television) for TLC.

Join the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #LongLostFamily, ‘Like’ the show on Facebook, and catch up on past seasons on TLC GO.



Theresa Caputo is about to turn 50 and the suburban mom who can connect with the deceased is back with a brand-new season of LONG ISLAND MEDIUM, filled with emotional readings, inspiring stories and personal revelations.  In the season premiere, Theresa meets actor Kelsey Grammer, who receives a very emotional reading; THIS IS US star Chrissy Metz is connected with someone she wasn’t able to give a proper goodbye to as well as moving connections for Bob Harper of THE BIGGEST LOSER and Sugar Ray front man and TV host, Mark McGrath and others. Throughout each episode, Theresa’s connection to spirit helps provide comfort and closure to those who need it most. While connecting people with their loved ones who have departed, this season’s highlights include a woman who is warned by her late husband; a police officer who is given comfort from a deceased accident victim and a mother who hears from her military son. From balancing her busy life and everything in between, Theresa shares more of her personal side than ever before, when she reveals that her all-consuming gift takes up so much of her time, that it puts a strain on some of her closest relationships.

LONG ISLAND MEDIUM is produced by Magilla Entertainment for TLC.

Join the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #LongIslandMedium, 'Like' the show on Facebook and catch up on past seasons on TLC GO.



When Charlie Goldsmith was 18 he discovered that he had an ability to heal people that defies belief and what we know about human capability. An energy healer like no other from Melbourne, Australia, THE HEALER follows Charlie’s life and work as he is sought after by athletes, celebrities and people from all walks of life hoping to be cured of their chronic and debilitating ailments. The ability to heal is a power that many are skeptical of, and he’s on a path working with scientists and medical professionals to bring credibility to his work. Charlie often visits the United States to continue spreading awareness to his often-misunderstood approach to healing. He has helped relieve people from chronic injuries, auto immune conditions, infections, severe body pain, inflammation, allergies and many other conditions often taking less than 60 seconds. The premiere episode features Diamond, 38 from Apple Valley, CA who suffers from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and heavily relies on her family for all physical tasks; Anthony, 18 and from Glendora, California, who experiences severe joint pain and frequent migraines due to having Lyme Disease and actress Jennifer Grey who has had chronic neck pain since she was in a car accident 30 years ago. THE HEALER is produced by Bunim/Murray Productions for TLC.

Join the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #TheHealer, and learn more about Charlie Goldsmith and his unique gift on