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Rugged Justice 3

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RUGGED JUSTICE follows Washington State's Department of Fish and Wildlife Law Enforcement Program as they police the Evergreen State's unforgiving mountain terrains, twisted rainforest back roads and densely populated coastal areas. The series follows the WDFW Police Officers as they patrol more than 42 million acres of rugged terrain, half of it heavily forested and filled with wild animals, and often dangerous people. The department's dispatchers relay more than 225,000 calls annually. Each day brings new challenges and extreme danger. Whether busting poachers along the USA-Canada border, going undercover to take down traffickers in the illegal animal parts trade, or tracking and capturing bears and cougars with the one-of-a-kind Karelian Bear-Dog Unit, the officers of Rugged Justice risk life and limb to protect natural resources and serve the people of Washington.