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Jamie's Ministry of Food

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With obesity rates climbing and busy lives making people turn to fast food, Jamie hopes that he can change the way people think about home cooking. On JAMIE'S MINISTRY OF FOOD, he sets out to inspire kitchen phobics who think that they can't cook, while educating people about the benefits of healthy eating. The series which has been inspired by the Ministry of Food set up during the second World War in Britain to reduce malnutrition, will be all about going back to basics. JAMIE'S MINISTRY OF FOOD premieres every Tuesday at 2000 hrs (8:00 pm SIN/HK) beginning February 3. Encores Wednesday at midnight (12:00 am) and 1600 hrs (4:00 pm); and Saturday at 1300 hrs (1:00 pm).

With healthy eating being low on most people's priority list, Jamie wants to show us that anyone can learn to cook, and that it's fun, saves money and gives you and your loved ones a healthier life. In each episode of JAMIE'S MINISTRY OF FOOD, Jamie teaches a class of people in the British town of Rotherham new recipes. He challenges them to come up with recipe ideas and to share them with their friends and family. With his ‘Pass It On' movement, Jamie hopes to inspire people who have never cooked to give it a try and then, once they've learned a recipe, to teach two other people how to make it. He also sets up a Ministry of Food Centre to give people a place to learn how to cook and master basic kitchen skills.

Will he be able to inspire them to give up their bad dietary habits and start cooking
healthier meals regularly? Are they willing to make the effort for the benefit of their
health and family?

In the first episode, Jamie heads up to Rotherham to recruit his team of novice cooks, who will learn 10 great recipes to pass on to others. First to sign up is Natasha - a young mother who knows her poor cooking is affecting her children's health. He visits Julie Critchlow, the woman who was nicknamed "The Burger Mum" by the press for her opposition to Jamie's School Dinner Campaign, and asks for her help in trying to get the people of Rotherham to support his campaign.

Next, Jamie takes his campaign to the terraces - addressing the supporters of Rotherham United FC and encouraging these non-cooking men to attend a Pass It On event. In one afternoon, he's able to teach a brand new recipe to 64 men, including 'Mick the Miner'. Mick has never cooked before in his life and has never been interested in food. As Mick says, "Miner's don't cook, miners mine". Will Jamie be able to turn kitchen klutzes like Mick around?

In episode three, Jamie decides the next focus for his plan to change Britain's cooking habits is the workplace. He visits various workplaces to drum up support from Rotherham employers for his scheme. At a huge Pass It On event, 1,000 people learn a beef stir fry recipe. Even the skeptical Julie Critchlow is impressed, and for the fist time thinks Pass It On just might work.

Jamie wants to pass it on back into the community using street Pass It On parties - neighbour teaching neighbour, putting food back at the centre of the community. To mark the end of his Rotherham experiment Jamie organises a Pass It On jamboree, but the event is deluged by heavy rain. Will anyone turn up?

Tune in to JAMIE'S MINISTRY OF FOOD to see if Jamie is successful, and learn how easy it is to whip up simple, nutritious meals.