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My Family Feast

Premieres: Southeast Asia on Nov 24 at 9:00 pm; North Asia on Nov 5 at 7:30 pm; Australasia on Nov 16 at 9:00 pm

- Join Chef Sean Connolly as he cooks with 13 different families and their friends in a celebration of food, family, and the stories of life -

Chef Sean Connolly takes you into the lives and cooking traditions of Australian immigrants and their families on TLC's new series MY FAMILY FEAST. Join the affable Sean as he mixes traditional cuisine with a good dose of humorous family banter and cooks up a storm on MY FAMILY FEAST.

Joining TLC's smorgasbord of colourful personalities is award-winning chef Sean Connolly, host of MY FAMILY FEAST. Sean might be a luminary in the realm of fine dining cuisine but that does not mean he would pass up on a home-cooked meal, especially one made with love and devotion. MY FAMILY FEAST is based around Sean's desire to delve beneath the surface when it comes to the cultural aspects of dining and intricate family relationships. Join Sean, one of Australia's top chefs, as he is guided through the process of developing a family feast, using recipes passed down from generation to generation, in this cultural culinary adventure.

Dedicated to the celebration of food and family, MY FAMILY FEAST finds out what defines a family and how Australian immigrants are trying to retain their time-honoured ways of cooking while assimilating into a new culture. Each episode of MY FAMILY FEAST features one family and an ever-evolving feast to be enjoyed and prepared by all. With grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles and second cousins in the mix, expect more than just a sprinkling of stories and life excerpts that add to each dish's flavour.

MY FAMILY FEAST episode descriptions:

The Congolese
Congo is alive in Sydney! After a fruitful visit to Mbuyi's African vegetable garden, Sean and the Ndayi family host a colourful Congolese party in the backyard of their home.

The Italians
Sean joins four generations of the Pacialeo family and learns how they create their annual stockpile of delicious home-made tomato sauce. The ritual ends with an incredible Italian feast.

The Chinese
Eileen and Newman Yip invite Sean to spend a sumptuous weekend with their family while they celebrate Ching Ming - an annual Chinese gathering when families pay respect to their late ancestors.

The Mandeaen Iraqis
Sean meets the Abboud Al-Suhairy family who fled persecution in Iraq to live in Australia. Largely overlooked in history books, Mandeaens are a pre-Christian minority religion of ancient Baptists who hold in respect John the Baptist as their principal teacher.

The Vietnamese
The Le family honour the annual Vietnamese Moon Festival, with a banquet of traditional dishes and Sean is there to learn how it is done. Sean joins Tam and her husband Nam Le for the Vietnamese Moon Festival Tet Trung Thu - a day of cooking, feasting and prayer.

The Cubans
Sean meets "The Cubanadas," who now live in Australia and have formed a support network and sisterhood, creating a familial environment so their children can grow up with aunts, grandmothers and cousins.

The Burmese Kachin
A close-knit community of Burmese Kachin immigrants invites Sean to witness a traditional wedding ceremony for Jack-Saw-Win Nyein and Mary Saing Marip, and partake in the glorious feast that follows.  

The Indians
When a Bengali bride and a Punjabi groom come together for their wedding, Sean learns how to prepare an Indian feast for an unforgettable celebration.

The Argentinians
Sean experiences the many flavours of Argentina when he meets the Yoia family and learns cooking techniques for a lively Sunday afternoon Asado.

The Greeks
On St. George's Day, Sean joins George Gavalas and his family to honour the day of his saintly namesake and he discovers how to make a flavoursome Greek family feast.

The Serbians
It's Stana Kolundzija's 66th birthday and she invites Sean Connolly to join her friends and extended family for a scrumptious Serbian feast.

The Balinese
Sean joins a local Balinese community for their annual celebration of Galungan; a festival featuring delicious food, offerings to Balinese Gods and entertaining traditional music.

The Afghans
Dr Rahman Shinwari and his wife Dr Arian teach Sean how to prepare exotic Afghani food for the annual Eid al-Adha festival.