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Three Sheets 3

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Zane Lamprey is back as the host of Discovery Travel & Living's THREE SHEETS, for more drinking adventures around the world. This season sees Zane travelling through Europe, Asia and America in search of the best booze and the best times. Want to sample cachaca, Brazil's national drink? Ever thought of how to cure a hangover by fire cupping? Or how about visiting the famous Carlsberg brewery in Denmark? Discover fascinating facts and fun times with Zane as he drinks his way around the world on THREE SHEETS. Premieres every Monday at 2200 hrs (10:00 pm SIN/HK), beginning February 2. Encores on Saturday at 2230 hrs (10:30 pm); and Sunday at 0200 hrs (2:00 am).

On each episode of THREE SHEETS, Zane visits the best watering holes, explores the local lifestyles, and is inevitably subjected to the local drinking customs. But it's not just about raising glasses, popping corks and tapping kegs. From bathing in a bath house in Moscow, wearing a kilt in Scotland to Thai boxing in Bangkok, Zane has a go at it all. And of course, after all that drinking, there's always the morning after. Part of Zane's adventures includes testing out various hangover cures from around the world. Do some of these crazy remedies really work? Zane, for one, certainly hopes so!

Join Zane on an intoxicating journey as he embarks on more drinking escapades in brand new episodes of THREE SHEETS.

Episode 1: Rio
A visit to Rio de Janeiro finds Zane playing bartender on a Copacabana beach and learning about the country's national drink, cachaca. He also experiments with a hangover cure called acai, which is derived from a potent rainforest berry.

Episode 2: Chile
Zane journeys to Chile for samplings of local alcoholic beverages and to discover what makes Chilean wine so famous.

Episode 3: Porto
In Portugal, Zane indulges in drinks with a "Count" and being inducted into two bizarre fraternal orders devoted to exploring the wonders of port wine. Zane is also introduced to a mysterious drink that supposedly guarantees enlightenment of the mind!

Episode 4: Saigon
It's off to Barcelona, Spain, for wine tastings of cava and sangria.

Episode 5: Barcelona
Zane enters a barrel race in the Cognac region of France, and becomes an honorary member of an exclusive club.

Episode 6: Hong Kong
Zane's trip to Hong Kong includes samplings of herbal tonics and a chance to play a local drinking game.

Episode 7: Cognac
A visit to Saigon is highlighted by a Bia Hoi (fresh beer) party with some locals. Zane discovers some of the many drinking customs of the city.

Episode 8: Gibraltar
On his visit to Gibraltar, Zane takes on the challenge of a unicycle, samples the local beers and a cocktail called J.C.'s.

Episode 9: Bangkok
Zane heads to Bangkok, Thailand, to sample local beers, and takes a taste test to determine the differences between Thai whiskey and rum. Zane also goes to watch a kickboxing match.

Episode 10: Argentina
Zane stops at bars in Buenos Aires for wine tastings and a local drink called Santanas. He hangs out with some gauchos (local cowboys) over a steak dinner.

Episode 11: Scotland
On a visit to Edinburgh, a kilt-wearing Zane samples whiskey that costs $10,000 a bottle and learns about scotch from a man wielding a sword!

Episode 12: Denmark
A visit to Denmark includes a stop at an ice bar and a sampling of Carlsberg beer.

Episode 13: Moscow
Zane visits Moscow to partake of the local brews, sample a variety of vodkas and join some Muscovites at a bath house for a steam and a flogging with leafy branches.

Episode 14: Las Vegas
With lavish casinos packed with high-stakes tables, relentless desert sun and numerous open bars dishing out complimentary drinks, Zane's found his heaven: Las Vegas. He gets tips about spotting a good wine from a master sommelier and somehow ends up with a mean-looking shiner.