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The Hunger: Death Race

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In brand new series, ‘The Hunger: Death Race' join modern day hunter gatherer Guy Grieve as he travels to the pockets of the world where people still hunt to survive. In a world of consumer convenience, where the supermarket is king, it is easy to forget our hunting heritage. However, since the dawn of time mankind has gone to great lengths and extremes in order to feed. Driven by hunger even today, people must follow the food trail and do anything to survive, even if that means crawling along the ocean floor during massive waves to scavenge for seafood; climbing the same trees as predatory tigers to share food; or outrunning exotic antelope in the native African fields. Join Guy as he unlocks the mysteries behind the ingenious and resourceful ways in which different cultures find, capture, cultivate and eat food around the world. But beyond the primal need to eat, what propels different cultures and people to take such risks?