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True Nightmares

Premieres Fridays from 4th March, 11pm

"The scary part is that there's a possibility that this could happen to you." True Nightmares host, Todd Robbins.

These true-life tales are far stranger than our worst nightmares. Each spine-tingling episode reveals that sometimes our fears aren't figments of our imagination after all. 

Like a modern day Alfred Hitchcock or Rod Serling, host Todd Robbins enters the story to bring to life hair raising true stories of bad people doing bad things that spawned the stuff of nightmares, such as the Boogey Man, Bloody Mary and the Monster Under the Bed.

The chilling tales filled with unpredictable turns and unexpected twist endings include a magician in London who performs a "deadly" trick with a shocking reveal; a movie star who proves that love off screen is unconditional - even when it comes to murder; and a successful merchant who becomes infamous for the ingredients used in her popular teacakes.

“I could creep you out with ghost stories and unsettling urban legends," admits Robbins, "But in True Nightmares you can’t deny that these terrifying things really happened,”

Needless to say, this show may cause nightmares.