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Team of Investigators Head to Nepal and China in Search of the Abominable Snowman and Yeren

September 26, 2013

Contact - Matthew Windsor
Senior Publicist
Contact - Karin Failla
Director, Publicity

(Silver Spring, MD) - For three seasons of FINDING BIGFOOT, Animal Planet's third-best-performing series ever, the intrepid cast of investigators has visited 33 states and five countries and combed through hundreds of pieces of evidence on its quest to prove the existence of sasquatches -- and its work is just getting started. Beginning on Sunday, November 10, at 10 PM (ET/PT), the quartet continues its search in 16 all-new episodes through March 2014, going back to the scenes of some of the most-promising excursions from past seasons and into new squatchy locations across North America. 

Bigfoot Field Research Organization (BFRO) president Matt Moneymaker, researchers James "Bobo" Fay and Cliff Barackman and skeptical scientist Ranae Holland discover new, compelling evidence, which sparks a global excursion into China and Nepal to search for bigfoot's distant cousins, the Chinese yeren and the yeti, better known as the "Abominable Snowman."  Working closely with foreign governments and local guides, the team puts its signature and unconventional bigfoot strategies to the test in unfamiliar territories, hoping to uncover the mysteries of these bi-pedal, hair-covered beasts that have captivated these countries and the world for decades.

Before jet setting around the world, FINDING BIGFOOT kicks off the new season with a special trip to Fouke, Arkansas, the scene of the infamous 1972 documentary "The Legend of Boggy Creek." More than 40 years after the film's debut, reports of the "Fouke Monster" still run rampant, and the cast takes to the swamps to prove that the film was more reality that documentary. This season, the team also follows up on previous promising leads in Florida, Texas and Alabama, and utilizes an all-new technique of rigging riverboats with thermal cameras for a journey down the Mississippi River. Topping it off, the bigfoot team splits up for a special episode and competes to find the most sasquatch evidence and to determine once and for all which state is the squatchiest: Oregon or Washington. 

Also, fans can countdown to the new season beginning with the launch of Bigfoot Cam on Animal Planet L!VE on October 10. Hidden in an undisclosed location in North America that is rife with squatchy activity, Bigfoot Cam allows viewers to monitor the woods 24/7 for any signs of bigfoot shenanigans. For more FINDING BIGFOOT video, evidence and more, visit

 FINDING BIGFOOT is produced for Animal Planet by Ping Pong Productions. Keith Hoffman is the executive producer and Hilary Tholen is associate producer for Animal Planet. Brad Kuhlman and Casey Brumels are the executive producers, and Chad Hammel is the co-executive producer for Ping Pong Productions.


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