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Nine-part New Season Premieres Sunday, July 26, at 10 PM ET/PT

July 8, 2015

Contact - Matthew Windsor
Senior Publicist

(Silver Spring, Md.) - We may be in the middle of a steamy summer, but Animal Planet viewers are about to face a cold spell. Beginning Sunday, July 26, at 10 PM ET/PT, ICE LAKE REBELS returns with nine bone-chilling episodes that transport viewers north of the border to Canada's massive Great Slave Lake. Here, near the top of the world, a unique community of rebels must rely on skill, luck and each other while attempting to live a life that affords freedom and connects them to nature. But, what is the cost for living this way?

This season, newcomers and longtime denizens of Great Slave are again pushed to the limit by the ever-changing life cycle and erratic nature of the lake.  With a polar vortex causing temperatures to plummet earlier than normal, the community turns to each other for support. Neophytes and experts must scramble to secure floating homes before the ice freezes solid, bearing in mind that one wrong move could lead to disastrous results for the rest of winter.

For those who withstand the freeze-up, daily life is still difficult. While some residents ponder whether living life in cold and constant danger is worth it, others persevere knowing that life on the lake provides a sanctuary unlike anywhere else on Earth. This season of ICE LAKE REBELS poses the following crucial questions:

  • Veteran Pike Mike utilizes old-style arctic techniques to insulate his home and survive the brutal cold. But with temperatures dropping to extreme lows, can his primitive ways hold up against Mother Nature?
  • Molly grew up on the lake and returns for the winter after living in the city. Molly's father, Gary, is considered to be one of the founding fathers of life on the lake and is always willing to help his daughter. But Molly is determined to be more independent and survive the lake on her own. Can she be successful in living outside her father's shadow?
  • Dene First nation natives and first time lake dwellers Kyle and Payton think the rewards outweigh the risks of life on the lake, and they plan to utilize their native skills to navigate the winter. But, does keeping their barge afloat, heated and dry during get the best of them?
  • Long-time lakers Stephan and Allyce prepare for freeze up, but have more on their minds. The newlyweds want to start a family, but their aging one-room houseboat is not ideal for raising a newborn. Allyce convinces Stephan to move to her "dream home" - a bigger houseboat, but the location is not ideal. Must they risk isolation and happiness by looking for a more sensible alternative?

ICE LAKE REBELS is produced for Animal Planet by This is Just A Test. Melinda Toporoff is the executive producer, and Pat Dempsey is the associate producer for Animal Planet. Aengus James, Colin King Miller and Kathryn Haydn Hays are executive producers for This is Just A Test. Charlie Foley, executive vice president of original content, developed the series for Animal Planet.